The Life Of Jessica & Family

My Life

My son Aidan William Moreland!

August 24 2009, 2:00 AM

God I can remember the last time I wrote a blog on here I was only a few months pregnant and I was terrified. I was alone my girlfriend had just died in a car accident I felt lost and I was not sure if I would be a good mother, and be able to provide for my baby on only my little bit of income. Now my son is eleven months old and I have met someone whom I am happy with and I am getting everything ready for my sons First Birthday Party, and it is exciting and wonderful. He is growing so fast though time has flew by since he's been born. And he is so smart and vibrant and full of laughs and fun. I honestly don't know what I would do with out him, now that he is here. He has made my life worth living in so many ways.

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It's A Boy!

May 21 2008, 8:36 PM


I am having a little boy AWE! He weighs 1lb right now. I am close to 21 weeks pregnant. And I am just now getting really excited about being pregnant and everything. I got to see my son moving around inside my body and it actually brought tears to my eyes, it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. He is healthy and growing just like he needs to be so I am very happy about that.

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I'm 15 weeks pregnant!

August 24 2009, 1:51 AM

I am really excited about having a baby. This will be my first and most likely my last (haha). I am 15 weeks far along and so far it's not as bad as people try to say. But I am sure when I get up to my 6th and 7th month I will be ready for it to be over. I don't know what I am having yet, but I am secretly hopeing for a GIRL! My next doctors visit is April 21st so hopefully I will know after then what the sex of the baby is. Ok well thats all for now.

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  • Female
  • 25 years old


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Last update Aug 24, 2009
